Thursday, August 20, 2020

Practical Ethical Hacking – The Complete Course 2020

12:07 AM

Practical Ethical Hacking – The Complete Course 2020

2020 Launch! find out how to hack sort of a pro by a professional . Up so far practical hacking techniques with absolutely no filler.

What you’ll learn

  • Practical ethical hacking and penetration testing skills
  • Network hacking and defenses
  • Active Directory exploitation tactics and defenses
  • Common web application attacks
  • How to hack wireless networks
  • Learn how to write down a pentest report
  • Understand the safety threats affecting networks and applications
  • OWASP Top 10
  • IT security trends


  1. Basic IT knowledge
  2. For Mid-Course Capstone: A subscription to hackthebox is usually recommended , but not required to finish the course.
  3. For Wireless Hacking: A wireless adapter that supports monitor mode (links provided in course).
  4. For Active Directory Lab Build: A minimum of 16GB of RAM is usually recommended . Students can still participate within the course, but may experience slow lab environments.


Welcome to the present course on Practical Ethical Hacking. To enjoy this course, you would like nothing but a positive attitude and a desire to find out . No prior knowledge is required.

In this course, you'll learn the sensible side of ethical hacking. Too many courses teach students tools and ideas that are never utilized in the important world. during this course, we'll focus only on tools and topics which will cause you to successful as an ethical hacker. The course is incredibly hands on and can cover many foundational topics.

In this course, we'll cover:

  1. A Day within the Life on an Ethical Hacker. What does an ethical hacker do on each day to day basis? what proportion can he or she make? What sort of assessments might an ethical hacker perform? These questions and more are going to be answered.
  2. Effective Notekeeping. An ethical hacker is merely nearly as good because the notes he or she keeps. we'll discuss the important tools you'll use to stay notes and achieve success within the course and within the field.
  3. Networking Refresher. This section focuses on the concepts of computer networking. we'll discuss common ports and protocols, the OSI model, subnetting, and even rehearse a network build with using Cisco CLI.
  4. Introductory Linux. Every good ethical hacker knows their way around Linux. This section will introduce you to the fundamentals of Linux and build up into building out Bash scripts to automate tasks because the course develops.
  5. Introductory Python. Most ethical hackers are proficient during a programing language . This section will introduce you to at least one of the foremost commonly used languages among ethical hackers, Python. You’ll learn the ins and outs of Python 3 and by the top , you’ll be building your own port scanner and writing exploits in Python.
  6. Hacking Methodology. This section overviews the five stages of hacking, which we'll dive deeper into because the course progresses.
  7. Reconnaissance and knowledge Gathering. You’ll find out how to obtain information on a client using open source intelligence. Better yet, you’ll find out how to extract breached credentials from databases to perform credential stuffing attacks, seek out subdomains during client engagements, and gather information with Burp Suite.
  8. Scanning and Enumeration. one among the foremost important topics in ethical hacking is that the art of enumeration. You’ll find out how to seek out open ports, research for potential vulnerabilities, and learn an assortment of tools needed to perform quality enumeration.
  9. Exploitation Basics. Here, you’ll exploit your first machine! We’ll find out how to use Metasploit to realize access to machines, the way to perform manual exploitation using coding, perform brute force and password spraying attacks, and far more.
  10. Mid-Course Capstone. This section takes everything you've got learned thus far and challenges you with 10 vulnerable boxes that order in increasing difficulty. You’ll find out how an attacker thinks and learn new tools and thought processes along the way. does one have what it takes?
  11. Exploit Development. This section discusses the topics of buffer overflows. you'll manually write your own code to take advantage of a vulnerable program and dive deep into registers to know how overflows work. This section includes custom script writing with Python 3.
  12. Active Directory. Did you recognize that 95% of the Fortune 1000 companies run Active Directory in their environments? thanks to this, Active Directory penetration testing is one among the foremost important topics you ought to learn and one among the smallest amount taught. The Active Directory portion of the course focuses on several topics. you'll build out your own Active Directory lab and find out how to take advantage of it. Attacks include, but aren't limited to: LLMNR poisoning, SMB relays, IPv6 DNS takeovers, pass-the-hash/pass-the-password, token impersonation, kerberoasting, GPP attacks, golden ticket attacks, and far more. You’ll also learn important tools like mimikatz, Bloodhound, and PowerView. this is often not a neighborhood to miss!
  13. Post Exploitation. The fourth and fifth stages of ethical hacking are covered here. What can we do once we've exploited a machine? How can we transfer files? How can we pivot? What are the simplest practices for maintaining access and cleaning up?
  14. Web Application Penetration Testing. during this section, we revisit the art of enumeration and are introduced to many new tools which will make the method easier. you'll also find out how to automate these tools utilize Bash scripting. After the enumeration section, the course dives into the OWASP Top 10. we'll discuss attacks and defenses for every of the highest 10 and perform walkthroughs employing a vulnerable web applications. Topics include: SQL Injection, Broken Authentication, Sensitive Data Exposure, XML External Entities (XXE), Broken Access Control, Security Misconfigurations, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Insecure Deserialization, Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities, and Insufficient Logging and Monitoring
  15. Wireless Attacks. Here, you'll find out how to perform wireless attacks against WPA2 and compromise a wireless network in under 5 minutes.
  16. Legal Documentation and Report Writing. a subject that's rarely covered, we'll dive into the legal documents you'll encounter as a penetration tester, including Statements of labor , Rules of Engagement, Non-Disclosure Agreements, and Master Service Agreements. we'll also discuss report writing. you'll be provided a sample report also as walked through a report from an actual client assessment.
  17. Career Advice. The course wraps up with career advice and tips for locating employment within the field.

At the top of this course, you'll have a deep understanding of external and internal network penetration testing, wireless penetration testing, and web application penetration testing. All lessons taught are from a real-world experience and what has been encountered on actual engagements within the field.

Note: This course has been created for educational purposes only. All attacks shown were done so with given permission. Please don't attack a number unless you've got permission to try to to so.

Questions & Answers Team Availability and Rules

The Q&A team responds to most questions within 2 business days. Specific Q&A rules are as follows:

1. Please encourage one another and help one another out. The support team is here to assist , but aren't staffed 24/7.

2. Support assistance will only be provided for course related material only. If you're employing a tool or method in your labs that's not taught within the course, it's better asked in Discord on an appropriate channel outside of #course-chat.

3. Avoid spoilers for the mid-course capstone. If you're assisting another user or asking an issue associated with this section, please attempt to not provide direct answers/solutions.

4. Be kind to others and twiddling my thumbs . This field consists of patience, self-motivation, self-determination, and much of Googling. don't demand help or expect answers. That mindset won't take you far in your career.

Who this course is for: 

  • Beginner students interested in ethical hacking and cybersecurity.

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